Bulls from Whitaker Farms are registered through the American Hereford Association. Paperwork will be follow the bull upon purchase.
Whitaker Farms only breeds with top quality registered bulls producing desired offspring for your herd.
The registered heifers at Whitaker Farms provide quality blood lines for breeding with your herd.
If it is a Whitaker Farms bred animal, you can be confident that it was raised right and meets or exceeds the breed standards.
Bulls from Whitaker Farms are registered through the American Hereford Association. Paperwork will be follow the bull upon purchase.
All Flying 5 Bulls will have exams by a veterinarian and will be current on vaccinations.
Flying 5 cattle are fed only top quality feeds to enhance growth and strength.
Careful planning is executed by Whitaker Farms to produce only top quality bulls to enhance your herd.